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Finding time for the world...

I think the ongoing struggle in my life is (and will be) the need and desire to keep myself "in the world" when so much pulls me out.

I work a more-than-full-time job, and while that could certainly be called "in the world," it isn't enough for me. I want more. More people, more perspective, more shared experience.

In seminary, I'm surrounded by Christians. In church: by Christians.

As passionate as I am about listening to the voices of the cultures around me, I make little time to be quiet and pay attention. Slave to the paycheck, bills, and practicality.

I wonder if I really have a clue about what the world is saying. Most of what's in me right now is personal bias, personal vendetta and my microcosmic perspectives.

This morning my wife and I visited a church we don't normally attend - just for a brief change of scenery. It's a little local "Emergent-style" plant. We showed up late, and the young man (maybe 20ish) attending the front door attacked us enthusiastically.

"Hey, hey, how are you guys doing? Have you been here before? Come on in - there's music inside. They're rocking out, but nothing hard. We save the hard stuff for later on - when we're battling demons, stuff like that. Yeah! There's a war out there!" yadda yadda...

If we didn't speak Christianese, we probably would have found him frightening. Even so, we found him frightening. I wanted to tell him so, but didn't. I'm wearied by militarism - of any bent.

Inside we saw a brief clip from "Nacho Libre" and the pastor talked about the Gospel and our need to impact the local community. Not bad, kind of nice actually, but the Spiritual-Battle-Boy had already soured my attitude.

I'm too easily frustrated, I think.

Back to the world: I'm trying to listen but I'm having a hard time finding... time.

please read more about my thoughts on the evolution of Christianity at

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