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You may have noticed that I don't post here these days. I just couldn't keep up with two blogs at once. Read me, up-to-date, at



There is a time when all of the wisdom, relevance and captivating imagery in the world has to lay down and die in patient waiting - in faith that the Holy Spirit speaks.

There are friends I can speak to again and again, months passing to years, but mine is not the voice of the Lord.

Last week I lost a friend and co-worker in a senseless car wreck. Her funeral was led by her church and family: harsh, didactic and fear driven. Her pastor and parents shared shifts, calling for converts.

"How many of you know where you'd spend eternity if you died on the freeway tonight?"

Now raise your hand and repent before the god of fear and self-preservation.

Oh that we knew how to keep our mouths shut and trust in the Lord.

please read more about my thoughts on the evolution of Christianity at

1 comment:

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