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Quitting "Born Again"

There are things we have done to truth that make it… well, less truthful.

I used to explain the complexities involving a Living God dwelling inside of us as we simultaneously walk inside of Him, using three envelopes folded inside one-another. The Holy Spirit-envelope was inside the Me-envelope, which was inside the Jesus-envelop.

The problem was, Jesus was supposed to be inside my envelope too, so if I’m in His envelope, I need a duplicate Jesus-envelope to go inside of mine, along with the Holy Spirit, since they’re sort of both inside of me, and then have a larger envelope that we all go in called God the Father-envelope. The shape of the envelope doesn’t matter so much, but according to your denomination, the color might.

==Post Text Cut or Removed For Publication Purposes==


Meagan said...

Hi there!
Thanks for writing me. My email is by the way. Any comments I get are automatically e-mailed to me there, anyway. I forgive you for swearing because I have said nearly that exact phrase to a few people lately, myself. I'm quite excited right now because I had a friend of mine decide that this summer is going to be devoted to spiritual growth....and she's not a Christian. She was raised a sort-of Catholic, more by family lines than faith. I hope Beth the Lesbian falls in love with Jesus, along with Cedric the Beatnik. Stories like that make me want to move to a city like Portland, which seems to have so many beautiful people like those you describe. I'm happy to be out of the South, where "Born Again" was often a negative phrase outside the church building or certain social circles (often one in the same), one used to describe a very intolerant, conservative person. It used to describe me, and I think I'm slowly actually becoming the sort of "born again" that Jesus meant, not what Christian society means. So are you ever going to actually publish a book? How far along are you?

Anonymous said...

Great post. I can't wait to meet you in October at GFU for our class. You seem really cool and honestly seeking out your faith. Pax, Adele

Anonymous said...

(Reminds me of a card I once saw with a picture of SNL's "the church lady" with a big Bible on the front. It said: "Jesus loves you...And on the inside it continued with: ...but, everybody else thinks you're an asshole." I've always regretted not buying that card!)

"Sincerity is the mask of deception."

As a seminarian you could visit some serial killers and see if they don't think you should respect-admire them. Why would you think they're right? Just tell the "Doctrinaire Gays" they should deny themselves and take up their cross daily to follow Jesus like everybody else and they respond that "you just don't understand." The lies (that a lot of Christians believe) continue pouring out, like that's not loving, or I was born that way. So? "Ye must be born again." I was born dirtying my diapers; but, I didn't stay that way. They claim (like Mr. college Christian with too many loose girl friends) they can't help it. Hey! Your pants don't unzip themselves. They say they have to be true to their nature. God told Abraham to leave his kindred.

God chose to perfect the Captain of our salvation through suffering.

Your weakness is, in part, due to a spirit of Nimrod, the mighty hunter that Baylon wants you to have so you'll conscript many souls to the building of her tower and to slake her thirst. You don't have to run around and impress the defiant that they're loved. All you need is the approval of God.

I've told guys begging on the side of the road that I was going to tell them that God loved them (as I gave them a buck) but that they propbably already knew that. They said, "Yeah, I know God loves me." Then I said, "Maybe I should tell you God is really mad at you and if you'd stop doing what He hates, even if you stumble trying the right way, then you'd actually experience what this 'love of God' is all about."