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Billy Graham & the Buddhist...

On Saturday I drove up to Portland for lunch with George Fox Seminary's Dean, Jules Glanzer. Great guy!

We talked a lot about Christianity in emerging culture, jumping from topic to topic like a theological decathlon. What a day! The kind of conversation I live for.

As we discussed the nature of living in a pluralistic world, Jules recounted a story Billy Graham once told: Graham was visiting China on a missions trip, and one day saw a Buddhist monk on the road. Graham felt in his gut a need to go share the Gospel with this monk (I usually tend to be suspicious of Christians' "gut" instincts, but I tend to respect Graham's motives) and crossed the road to meet him.

The monk was gracious and patient (as one might expect from a devout Buddhist) and listened to Graham as he recounted - not only a "quickie" rundown of the Bible, but - the entire story of Scripture: Genesis to Revelation, Adam to Jesus, Creation to New Creation.

At the end of this lengthy sermon, Graham asked (in typical Graham fashion) "So, would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?"

The monk looked quizzically at Graham and paused for a moment. Then, "Accept Jesus? I don't need to accept Jesus."

Graham was puzzled.

"Jesus is right here, right now," the monk continued. "The story you've told me today? I've known the truth of that story my entire life - I just never knew the name Jesus. Thank you."

Graham took a lot of heat for this story and a subsequent suggestion that Jesus Christ was working in and among other religions of the world.

But the Holy Spirit is not confined by our borders. The God of the universe cares nothing for our labels. This is what worldspeak is all about: the breath of God alive and moving through everyone...

please read more about my thoughts on the evolution of Christianity at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read an interesting article in newsweek about Graham. I think it was newsweek. It was scewed a little from the liberal side. But you can still tell what Billy was talking about. Check it out. Interesting